30 Things About Me

1. My sister was a 16th waver and I naturally got influenced by her.

2. I have listened to K-Pop since when I was about 10 years old. I do listen to other genres of music from time to time, but the main genre of music I listen to is K-Pop. Don't get me wrong. I'm not that type of guy who feels insulted and gets furious when someone talks about K-Pop in a bad way, although I do feel somewhat sad that the person I'm speaking with does not respect my music preference.

3. The two types of sports that I enjoy the most are baseball and table tennis. I love watching baseball, rooting on for the LG Twins. Table tennis is a sport I love to play by myself rather than watching.

4. I lived in the US when I was 3 years old for 3 years. Living for 3 years in English society was probably the reason why I learned how to read English faster than Korean.

5. I used to speak in English with my two older sisters until I was about 10 years old. It was probably because, at the time, English was more comfortable for me than Korean.

6. I have never sworn my whole life.

7. The most recent movie I watched was "The Theory of Everything." I enjoyed it.

8. The English name I use on some occasions is Jimmy. My sisters gave me the name because they thought it sounded similar to my Korean name, Jaemin. The last time I used Jimmy was when I was 13 years old, going to an English hagwon in Daechi.

9. I was into dinosaurs for a long time. Only a few years ago, my dream was to study dinosaurs. I admit that my interest in dinosaurs died down a bit currently.

10. After almost losing the bus to the airport, and the plane itself during a rainy day in England, I don't perceive England as a pleasant country.

11. I dislike seeing blood. Not that it makes me sick, I just don't like it. This is the main reason why I don't see most horror movies; a lot of them are violent.

12. I love long car rides. The favorite part of New Years and Chuseok, when my grandparents were living in Busan, was the long ride from Seoul to Busan by car. Taking the KTX was also exciting, but the 9~10 hour car ride was the best.

13. I don't really like carbonated drinks. Too much of a gulp and the next second I know, my throat is burning.

14. During my first year at KMLA, I could not understand why my friends couldn't hear the morning bell at 6 A.M. As soon as I got a year older, my ears magically started rejecting the morning bell.

15. I used to dislike watching movies at the movie theater when I was young because of the loud sounds and a screen that was just too big for me at the time.

16. My favorite holiday is Christmas since it's almost the end of a year and a new start of another.

17. I tend to gain weight real slow and lose weight quickly.

18. One of my biggest regrets in life is losing interest in learning the piano. I envy those who can play the piano well.

19. I was part of the demonstration team (시범단) in my neighborhood's taekwondo court. I stopped going when I turned 14, as I thought I would have much more work to do in middle school.

20. I want to learn how to cook when I become an adult. Cooking seems fun and I'm sure it will come in handy many times.

21. I have never had a girlfriend my whole life and I don't perceive this fact proudly. I also didn't know my friends around me were meeting and breaking up that many times.

22. I easily get tired during parties. Probably because of the mass of people partying around.

23. As a kid, I loved listening to English book CDs during my free time. I would play it before I slept, when going to Busan, when I was sick, practically every spare time I got was used for playing CDs. My mother always tells me it was because of this hobby that I can listen to English comfortably nowadays. I can't say I disagree.

24. I was attached to the "Warriors" series when I was 8 years old (If you search "Warrior Cats," you will get to see how the series looks like.) My attachment for the series went on quite for a long time, a few years at least. I forgot about the series for some time. Last year, the series suddenly came to mind and I purchased a book from the series, an episode I have yearned to read for many years, but couldn't get the chance. I finished it last December when I relatively had more spare time than before.

25. I wish to travel around with my friends when I enter university.

26. I found out I wasn't that good at teaching while doing volunteer service of teaching elementary students.

27. My favorite 'room atmosphere' is when all of the lights are out, except for a few lamps and candle lights. During the executive training(임원수련회) when I was 14, I proposed to my roommates about turning only the three lamps in the room on to make a nice and soft mood, and the teacher was surprised when she saw us, exclaiming that the other room was a mess because of pillow-fighting. (We went to Welli-Hilli Condo, about 7~8 people in one room.)

28. I prefer living in the city rather than living in the countryside. Living in the countryside has its own advantages for sure, but I think life would be more enjoyable when living in the city.

29. I am a good listener. Partially because I like to listen to other people, partially because I am not a talkative person. Not being a talkative person, I tend to listen rather than lead on a talk. 

30. I do not know why, but some of the students in KMLA regard me as shorter than my actual height (I am not sure of exactly how tall I am.) Not that I'm tall, but I've seen some surprised friends that I was taller than 조형근 or 이원재. (I am sorry to these two for revealing their full names.)


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