A Common Love Story with an Uncommon Protagonist

 Two people loving each other? Totally normal. Cheating on each of their spouses and continuing on this prohibited love? Morally wrong, but could happen. The dramatic setting and scenes about two people cheating on their formal lovers, being able to glimpse at the 'morally forbidden' world, captures the readers' eyes and minds. Thus, The Lady with the Dog is quite a common love story in terms of literature. 

 If it is a common love story, wouldn't it not have been as famous as it is in the status quo?

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 Chekhov, I believe, made this common love story one of a kind by setting the protagonist, Dmitri Dmitritch Gurov, as a sexist. A very uncommon setting for a character who plays the main role in a love story. Chekhov, while playing this common love story as it is, also shows us the gradual change in Gurov. Although we may not know if Gurov's thoughts about women, in general, have changed throughout the story, we know that Gurov does fall in love, whether it be temporary or permanent. A person who thought that women were the 'lower race,' falling in love; a factor that acts as a delicacy in the common love story.
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 Another question. What will happen to Gurov and Anna?

 When a story talks about something immoral, most of the stories end with the immoral people or person being punished and thus, teaching a lesson to the readers. But when I think about traditional Korean stories, just because what people do is immoral doesn't mean that they are the bad people. Of course, this sentence sounds weird. However, when thinking about it, let's say that there is a man that was forced to marry a woman, and the women were pure evil. The man falls in love with a kind woman and the two make plans for a successful breakaway. The traditional Korean stories that have these kinds of men as protagonists usually play the story as if what the man is doing is right. Strictly speaking, the man is cheating on his wife, but in the end, the man is able to run away with his true love, his former wife is punished, and the man lives happily ever after with his true love.

 I believe Gurov to settle happily with Anna. Mainly because of what I wrote in the previous paragraph. Since Gurov is the protagonist, the story has a high percentage of ending happily ever after. Another reason is that Anna is Gurov's first love in about 40 years. 40 years is not a short time, and almost every person in this world would have experienced their first love until 40. Gurov didn't, and that is why I believe his love for Anna to be more sincere. Gurov's love for Anna may get cold as time passes, but I don't believe there will be a new love for Gurov any sooner, which means I think Gurov won't cheat on Anna any time soon. 


  1. I also agree with the part that Gurov has met his destiny. Some say that cheating their wives is a habit of some husbands, but I believe that Gurov's case is different. Anna was a 'true love' of Gurov and it was the first time for Gurov to actually fall in love! Although painful love shouldn't be encouraged, I still hope for Gurov and Anna to maintain their relationship!!!

  2. Well, considering that Chekhov was a realistic writer, he probably did not want to end the story with poetic justice. And as you point out, as readers, we are able to understand Gurov even if we do disagree with him. However, on the point of true love, I have to question: can there be a 'truer' love? After all, as Wonwoong points out, they fell in love after they met for barely a week _ Jongnam

  3. I liked your writing because it consists questions that appeared while reading the short story. I agree on how Gurov would have had his happily ever after. But, in my opinion, because it is true love, their love is something different and would not easily fade away. The description of Gurov being an uncommon protagonist made me node a lot. I didn’t get why this story was such a big hit until reading your blog. Comparing ‘The lady with a dog’ to Korean stories was very special. It actually helped me understand your perspective while you read the story. I thought this was really good :)


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