Making a 'Liking' in Studying

   I remember my sister crying out with joy after seeing the words, 'admitted,' in the computer screen. I remember my sister beaming in front of the camera, ready to start a unique high school life. I remember me being jealous; as a young boy, I still craved the attention of my parents. I remember, although quite jealous, being happy for my sister, happily walking through the bumpy dirt trails, coming in and out of the school, covered with pure white snow. I remember me going to boring academies, sometimes doodling in class, sometimes sleeping, but still, studying hard to follow my sister's path. I remember coming back to the high school my sister went seven years ago; nothing much has changed, only the teachers were slightly more 'old-looking' than in the pictures. I remember shouting out with joy after seeing the words, 'admitted,' in the computer screen. I remember getting low grades.

   Do people learn? Whether you go to school or get home-schooled, you get educated for your future. You think, 'I hate studying. It's no fun!' You think you are right. And yes, you are, although some students truly do like to study when spending their time. You say that those students go to prestigious schools; students talking about Einstein while munching on their lunches. Some people may laugh at what you say, some people may take your words seriously, and some may just ignore you. But do students who love to study go to prestigious schools? Or is it just that students in prestigious schools tend to love studying. You don't know for sure if students in prestigious schools even like to study. You argue that you remember your best friend who studies hard got into the country's finest school. Well, you don't know if your friend loved to study. Don't you?

studying에 대한 이미지 검색결과

   Maybe that friend really liked to study. There is no way I can truly find out. All I know, is that in my school, only a few students love to study. Those few find pure interest in learning, which is quite different with studying just because your parents told you to. I remember in my first year of high school, all of the students seemed to look like geniuses. Maybe it was because I didn't study that much at the time, or maybe it was because of my 'prejudice' of this school, but surely, all of the students were smart in their own way. I was nervous. I for one, surely did not love to study. And yes, I flunked my first year. Worst grades I had ever gotten in my life. That was when I just knew every student in this school loved to study, although I found out it wasn't in the next few months.

   If I had studies harder in my first year, would I have gotten better grades? What if every student in this school actually was a genius? Couldn't a hard-studying person almost never beat a person who loves studying? Surely I have heard that people do best when they do things they love to do. In school, everyone seemed to love studying. In school, I fond myself playing, even though it was self-study time. In school, it seemed as if I was the only person to shudder at my grades. 'Well,' I thought, 'this can't go on forever.' I had to change. Although I did not love to study, I had to accept my situation and tried to get closer with studying. It felt like playing tag. I was fiercely running around, trying to grasp the run-away 'studying.' Whoever told me people do their best when they are in their worst state gets my admiration. So true. In the end, after forcing myself to stay put in my chair and grab my pencil for hours, my mind and body slowly became accustomed with the new environment. Feeling as if there was nothing to lose, I tackled each of my subjects with quite urgency. The first midterms of the second year were coming.

   I remember getting low grades in my first year. After getting the hand on studying and tackling each subject without losing my pace, I could get better grades than last year. Of course, the increase is not so big, as there are still 'true' geniuses who love to study. Most of the students who seemed like geniuses in my first year, turned out to be like me. Studying because they had to, although they figured that out a few years ahead of time. This reassured me a lot. Worrying that  could be the worst student in school was only a worry with the circumstance I was the only student who disliked studying. Turns out it wasn't. But that doesn't mean I can go back to my old days. People learn for their future, and even though my friends and I may not love to study, it is vital for our futures, even though we may not know of our true future. This is one reason why I admire 'true' geniuses who love to study. They have a specific plan ahead of them, and it is my goal by the end of high school, to start to love studying and have a planned out future. So far, so good.


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