Who I am

 I have introduced myself as a "supporter" who likes to listen rather than talk. Besides that, what I will write about is a somewhat ordinary "self-introduce" writing, my experience in the US, my hobbies, and interests.

seattle에 대한 이미지 검색결과

 When I was three years old, my family moved to Seattle because of my father's job. My first memory goes back to the airplane going to Seattle, which shows Seattle took a big part in my youth. I learned how to read English when I could not even read Korean, played with some of my other Korean friends every Sunday in the Church playroom, had snowball fights with my two sisters in the backyard during winter, and much much more. Seattle was a good memory for me, but nowadays, I prefer traveling inside Korea rather than going overseas.

kpop group symbols에 대한 이미지 검색결과kpop girlgroup symbols에 대한 이미지 검색결과

 I don't have much hobbies. Listening to music and buying some albums I like. The type of music I listen to is KPOP, although I do listen to some POP songs. I do not know why I got hooked up into KPOP about 6~7 years ago in the first place, though I do believe it is because of my personal music taste of strong "background music" and the visual pleasure of KPOP. The albums I buy, of course, are KPOP albums. Not having a group that I cherish the most, I don't just buy every album from one group, I buy albums when I "really" like the song from various groups. I believe I have nearly 20 albums.

 My interests consist most of music, art, and baseball. For a little more "academic" interests, I do have interests in history and psychology. About my interests in music, I believe I have explained enough when writing about my hobbies. About my interests in art, it may seem quite weird. I once read a book when I was little about a boy in France succeeding greatly as a hairstylist. After reading that book, I had wanted to become a hairstylist, not because of the success, but because the job sounded like fun. After that, I had also wanted to be a makeup designer for the same reasons. Recalling my interest in music, I also wanted to become a composer. All three quite hard to achieve in my current state. Of course, these are just some interests I had as a elementary~middle school student, although I do not mean that I have lost total interest in these fields. Besides music and art, I enjoy baseball. Baseball was my favorite sport since when I entered elementary school, though I do not know the reason why my interest in baseball first started. I am currently in the baseball club of KMLA, playing as the left fielder.


  1. Seattle sounds (and looks) amazing. Very similar to Vancouver. Good intro, and I apologize for not commenting at the start of the year. Your blog looks excellent.


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